Insert: "Brest-Litowsk, 9. Februar 1918 Heute, am 9. Februar, 2 Uhr morgens, ist der Friede zwischen dem Vierbund und der Ukrainischen Volksrepublik unterzeichnet worden. W.T.B." Delegierte der Mittel...
Reportage about the visit that the delegates to the First Peace Conference at The Hague made to the floral parade in Haarlem. The First Peace Conference at The Hague took place from May 18 to July 29,...
Parade of French and allied troops under the Arc de triomphe and on the Champs-Élysées. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles: delegations arriving by car, a crowd on the terrace, troops on the Ch...
A report of the Treaty of Trianon, the peace agreement signed on June 4, 1920, at the end of World War I, between the Allies (the Entante Powers) and the Kingdom of Hungary (one of the successor state...
A report documenting the Peace Treaty of Bucharest (signed in fact at Buftea, near Bucharest, on May 7, 1918), between Romania on one side and Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and the Ottoman Empire...
1. Zwischentitel: Ankunft der russischen Delegation am Bahnhof in Brest-Litowsk. 2. Zwischentitel: Mitglieder der Delegation: Joffe, Vorsitzender, Frau A. A. Bicenko, Generalmajor Skalon, Admiral Altv...
(Reel 1) The film comes from two cameras. For the exterior scenes of delegates arriving at the Foreign Office the first camera is positioned low on the steps beside which the official cars stop. Few o...
We follow the ship Braganza from the harbour of Tromsø to the Svalbard archipelago. The Svalbard Treaty or the Spitsbergen Treaty from 1920 recognises the sovereignty of Norway over the Arctic archip...
Placing flowers at the cenotaph. Marshals Joffre and Foch at the Porte Maillot in Paris. Parade of French generals on horseback and soldiers on foot, filmed from the ground and the top of the Arc de t...
In 1921, following the World War I armistice, the Allies occupy a section of German territory in order to obtain war reparations. The French troops are situated in the Rhenish territory, whose first F...
Die Handlung von Brennende Grenze setzt nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs ein. Polnische Freischärler dringen in die deutschen Gebiete ein, die laut dem Friedensvertrag an Polen abzugeben sind. Auc...
Am 2. Dezember 1805 gelingt es Napoleon Bonaparte in der ruhmreichen "Dreikaiserschlacht“ bei Austerlitz das österreichische Kaiserreich zu besiegen. Bedingung des Friedensvertrages ist die Preisga...
The film opens with a German jackboot across the map of Alsace-Lorraine. An old couple in Alsatian costume read the news of the annexation and bemoan their fate while German officers strut outside the...
Coverage on a public meeting of the Escherich organization, which was part of the Bavarian People's Party at the time of the Weimar Republic. People gathered in large numbers to attend this meeting.
1. Zwischentitel: Empfang Trotzkis und der russischen Delegierten auf dem Bahnhof durch die Deutschen und Ukrainer. Bild: Die russische Delegation darunter Trotzki steigen in die von den Deutschen ber...
French newsreel, released by the army and showing activities on the Western Front, including images of the captured fort of Kawak of Constantinople (Istanbul) and the French troops parading for the fi...